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Frequently Asked Questions

How are "High Growth SaaS" and "Top 10 SaaS" determined?

"High Growth Saas" are companies that have Y/Y revenue growth of 40%+.

"Top 10 SaaS" are the 10 companies with the highest Y/Y revenue growth.

Where do we get our data from?

Public Comps scrapes or manually enters data from the SEC filings. For more details please refer to this article (medium.com/public-comps/faq-how-public-comps-gets-its-data-fde644d4410b).

How do I cancel my subscription to Public Comps?

Log into Public Comps using the email with the subscripition you want canceled. Then, navigate to the settings page on the side menu, or go to https://www.publiccomps.com/settings. There, click on the "Turn off subscription" button to cancel your subscription.

How do I get an invoice/receipt for my subscription?

Log into Public Comps using the email with the subscripition you want an invoice for. Then, navigate to the settings page on the side menu, or go to https://www.publiccomps.com/settings. There, click on the "Manage Billing on Stripe" button and you will be directed to a page with your "Invoice History". You can click on a date under that section and download the corresponding invoice or receipt.

Why doesn't Public Comps have a login with a username and password?

Public Comps relies on the Stytch api to authenticate users. This allows us to keep our user information secure, without having to store their passwords.

Can I request a demo?

Please contact us at team@publiccomps.com and we will find a time to demonstrate the product to you.

What is the difference between Pro and Enterprise Account?

Pro gives you access to everything on our website + 5 download financials per month.

Enterprise gives you unlimited download financials + API access + Excel/GSheet plug-ins

Why does Public Comps limit the number of times we can download financials?

While we want to give access to our data to all our pro users, we have to set a limit to the number of financials a user can download per month to prevent full replication of our database. Note that Pro Users can view the data on the website without any limitation.

Why is the email link redirecting me to the site without logging in?

This is a common issue that occurs with users that are on a corporate or organization email. Many organizations run some sort of sandbox service that scrape for phishing links and that uses up our login links, which are one time use. Users experiencing this issue should contact their IT team to get our login links whitelisted, login through one of our other methods like google, or use a different email.


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